Saturday, December 1, 2012

Why Do We Blog?

"I think it is sad the opinion you had was the only one voiced..."  --Black Sabbath

Human creatures, every one of us, have opinions. Granted, some people let others form their opinions for them, or they hear something that they think sounds good, and then regurgitate it as though it was their own, without checking or doing any investigation themselves, which amounts to a herd-mentality, a flock of followers following their percieved leader, hence the origin of the term sheeple. (Humans who behave like sheep.)

Whatever the origin of the formation of our opinions, we all have them, and it's only natural to want to share them. However, most folks don't care to hear the opinions of others, unless they are in agreement with, or complimentary to their own. (Hence the saying - "Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and they all stink.") But this doesn't stop people from expressing their opinions, sometimes loudly and belligerently, (especially when alcohol is involved) if they strongly believe what they are saying is correct. This often leads to conflict. ---> Enter other forms of self expression.

I think, (and this is only my opinion talking, not my asshole,) I believe that the disire to express one's self is in our nature, and we need to have that desire fulfilled. This is why people write letters to the editor, people go into public places and shout loudly, people make and display signs, people create works of art, people paint their dwellings and vehicles certain colors, etc. ...And people blog.  The need for self expression.   And since the advent of the internet, (Thanx, Al Gore. hahahaha.) now we have even more places to express ourselves, whether others like it or not.
Just go watch any random video on youtube, then read the comments.
Sometimes I laugh my fucking ass off at the shit people post, and sometimes I post my own shit, which I'm sure gets a reaction from someone else.
Then there's Andy Warhola's "Fifteen Minutes Of Fame" - We all wanna be heard, don't we? We wanna be looked at, gawked at, gaped at, {huh-huh-huh, he said "gaped"} some of us wanna be laughed at, some of us wanna piss people off... [Yeah, ok. I get some twisted enjoyment out of pissing people off sometimes. I'll cop to it.]

In short, we blog because we can. Same reason why a dog licks his nut sack.  Whether anyone reads it or not, just the act of typing it and putting it out there fulfills that need.
That's my opinion, anyway. ..And not my asshole   (  *  )

I'd bet that if dogs, and cats, and horses, and chimpanzees, and bison, and wolves, and other non-human critters could type - I'd just bet that they would have some shit to say to us humans, and we probably wouldn't like it, but it would most likely be true.   Think about that over your breakfast.

                                         I'm outta here, laters.

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