Friday, November 29, 2013

Through The Door Into The Elusive

This is a song I just wrote. The music is still in my head, but the words are here:

Plummeting into the unknown, with a million questions,
Delving into darkness, where will the mind refuse to go?
They've put up walls, blocking me out, blocking me - why?
What is this forbidden truth which Man is not allowed to know?
How can the truth be evil?
How can the light be dark?
I must know...

Seems the greatest atrocities
Have been perpetrated in the name of religion and purity, Innocent blood
Spilled for what reason? What sacrifice to whom?
Who shall avenge?
Does no one care?
Salvation or desolation, bodies broken and bare,
Writhing and screaming.

Cry out to gods for a reason,
There is no justification.
Is this the end of creation?
Search in vain for an answer, and still don't know...
And where is tomorrow?

Take me away
Far from here
Space woman
Be my teacher
Teach me a mystery

Show me how to evolve
Beyond the material
Show me the way
To become ethereal
Open the door for me

Where shall we go?

All I have are questions
Piled upon layers of questions

Once I was new
Then innocence flew out the window
Questions were pure
But answers were obscure
I believe in the Truth
Yet I seek and still I do not find what I seek
Once long ago I knew
But now I can't remember what I knew

Born into physical
Given empty promises
We find ourselves
Imprisoned by walls of invisible
Entrapped by a lie
Instructed in how to be slaves
The unseeing eye
Blinded by that we don't see
Blinded but why?
Is there not some inherent good in this entity?
Who are we?
Why are we prevented from knowing our true nature?
Is Humanity not worthy
Of knowing ourselves?
What is the reason?
What is the purpose
Of existence?
How do we learn?
And what is the cost of knowing?
And if I should know the whole,
Will I come back to tell you all?

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