Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wedgie Comment

This is a comment I just left on a post I discovered by accident on an environmental blog. I will include a link to the page as well, and the picture from it:
Wow. The wedgie picture brought me here. Seriously, my ex had a friend who used to ask me to pick her wedgie, it was her way of flirting, I guess. I see this post is a few years old now. It's January 2014. The cutback on coal usage has resulted in a lot of miners losing their jobs and now adding to the unemployment lines, and at least a few states where coal is a major industry are not happy with the current administration. Some aspects of it, such as strip-mining and especially mountaintop removal are horribly destructive to the land and should be stopped, however, these families have been deep coal miners for several generations, they don't know any other way of life, and thanks to the new regulations they are now fucked. How does anyone justify that fuckery? As far as aggressive climate management, I'm not sure what that means exactly. When I traveled westward in 2008, I fully expected to see large herds of Bison along the highway, and I did not. Even on the res I didn't see any, I saw horses, and black Angus cows, but no Bison. At Crazy Horse mountain I saw a herd of what looked like hybrid Bison/Hereford, but not just Bison. This bothers me a great deal. There should be herds everywhere, and there are not. I also did not see one Puma, or one Wolf. I saw lots of beef cattle, which I'm sure are aggressively managed. I've also read about Arctic Wolves and endangered Polar Bears being aggressively 'managed' via the "Sara Palin method." (Run them half to death with a chopper, then shoot them from above, AKA aerial murder.) Socialist/Communist approaches to things are traditionally not easily accepted in America, although that seems to be changing somewhat in the Obummer days, could that be the "change" he promised? I do not approve of mandatory insurance, and I do not intend on signing up for it, it amounts to fascism, big brother forcing you under duress to buy something you don't want. What are they gonna do, put me in jail because I refuse? Fuck the government, and fuck their laws. Now, gun control, yes, politicians love gun control, politicians like Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein... Look at this Sandy Hook crap, a false flag operation just like 9/11, except this time around it was done to sway public opinion towards gun control, but it didn't work like they thought it would, so watch out for still more false flag ops. We don't live in a "free" country, that is an illusion invented by the illuminati in the 1770s, convince the livestock/serfs that they are free, and they will be more productive. Maybe it's something in my DNA, maybe it's my Native Blood, maybe it's my Celtic Blood, I don't really know, but I have this natural ability to see thru walls of government bullshit. Paper currency is fiat money, not worth the paper they print it on, the whole system is set up to favor the uber-rich 1%, because their forebears set it up that way. It's not much different than if you gamble at a casino, the odds always favor the house, because they planned it that way. In their eyes we are all just oxen, beasts of burden which can quickly be converted to steaks on the barby without much effort on their part. Believe it or don't.

That's it.  I decided to copy/paste it over here because it has to be approved over there before it will post, and I don't know how long that takes, or if anyone over there even cares, since the original post was from six and a half years ago.  So here it is, I posted it here, if for no other reason than so my words will not be lost in some cloud of cyberspace somewhere, haw haw.

Remember, more will be revealed.  You must excuse me now, I have cats and dogs staring at me, seeking my attention.

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