Thursday, June 24, 2021

Business As Usual...

I'm sick of politics.  I'm sick of the same old tired rhetoric.  I'm sick of the left and the right throwing shit at each other while all of us get fucked by both of them.  Answer these two questions: 1) What are conservatives conserving? 2)  What are liberals liberating?

I see the 1% desperately trying to keep themselves rich and the rest of us poor.  I see snowflakes from every corner trying to further their own agendas, while not giving a fuck about anybody else.  I see opinions flying like pigeons.  I don't see any unity.  I don't see much happening for the greater good.  Cops still bully innocent citizens while criminals are running the country.  The rich pay no taxes, but the rest of us are expected to pay too much.  They're systematically eliminating the middle classes and fucking the worker at every turn.  And don't even let me start abour religion.  Authoritarianism is not the answer, never was, never will be.  Fascism, communism, no real difference from the common man's perspective.  We get fucked over, taxed almost to death, and are expected to obey them like slaves.  Small business gets fucked because big corporate business doesn't want competition.  In a communist society the government owns everything, you own nothing, and they dole a few crumbs out as they see fit.  They expect you to be happy in your servitude, and obey them without question, attend rallies to praise the "leader" and kiss his ass, and if you don't, they send you to a gulag.  In a fascist society the rich own everything, including the government, and they expect you to obey them without question, accept the bare minimum pay, and attend mass gatherings to praise the "leader" and kiss his ass. If you don't, they send you to a work camp.  Doesn't sound all that different to me.  You get fucked by the man either way.  And religion is basically the same, obey us or suffer in fire for all eternity, give us 10% of everything, and never question anything.  Whatever happened to freedom?  Obey, obey, obey... Fuck you! i'm not gonna obey you! You can go pound salt!   

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