Friday, July 12, 2024

If I had my way...

   If I had the means, if I was able, I would destroy most of the new buildings that have been built over the past forty years or so and replace them with the old buildings that were torn down in the name of "progress." I would replace the woods that was plowed under to build subdivisions full of McMansions and cul-de-sacs. Put all the trees back. I would scrap all the little ugly roller skates that pass for "cars" these days, and restore whatever old cars are still left. I would find me about 80 acres or so and erect a 16' perimeter fence with barbed wire to keep motherfuckers out, and I'd live in the loft of a barn. I'd have my own junkyard in the middle of my own woods. I'd also fire the SCOTUS and Congress and the president and all the stuffed suits from both mainstream parties, and all the executives of all the corporations, abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, and take all the wealth from the 1% and redistribute it so that everybody has a fair share. All men are created equal, so why do a little handful of old rich pieces of shit own all the wealth while 99% of us are poor? I'd plow the golf courses under and restore them to nature. I'd knock down the skyscrapers and eliminate the interstates that cut neighborhoods in half. Everything that they mislabel as "progress" would go back to they way it used to be. No more yuppies. No more eyesore highrises. And everybody would be encouraged to grow cannabis. All the "factory farms" would go back to being actual farms, and corporate would be rendered nonexistent. If I had my way, the world would go back to the way it's supposed to be. No more greedy rich bastards. No more McMansions. No more disparity. No more gestapo stormtroopers with badges. And no more cults either. No more fascism. No more royalty. Everybody would be equal. No more homelessness. No more tax. No more debt. No more innocent little kids starving. No more Big Brother watching you thru your webcam. No more oppression. No more racism. No more politics. No more wars. Just regular folks living regular lives.

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