Friday, December 26, 2008


Today I'll discuss the fbi...
The fbi, or stormtroopers, or goons, or fascist pigs, whatever you choose to call them, cia, nsa, osi, secret service, men in black... "homeland security"(what a misnomer!)... They are all the same thing: Murderers, rapists, spooks(spies), thugs who do their dirty deeds under the protective eye of government, basically leagalized criminals with carte blanche to hurt, kidnap, torture, & kill anyone they want, or anyone they are ordered to deal with. They are the strong arm of the illuminatti. They have been known to stage "accidents" & to arrange "unexplained" disappearances. Be very careful to watch over your shoulder for them, as they like to lurk & snoop on people's private business, which they have no right to do, but it's their job, or part of it anyway. Worse scumbags are hard to find, even in prisons. These bastards are responsible for countless deaths of innocents, drug trafficing, political interference & manipulations, malfeasance, judicial misconduct, false imprisonment, the works.
Be sure & visit !!

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